
Khipi makes prepared meals that represent home-cooked meals from around the world.

Khipi’s mission is to “Bring diversity to your dinner table through food recipes sourced from online resources and immigrants living in the greater Boston area. We work with men and women from countries as varied as Iran, Brazil, El Salvador, Tanzania, India, Puerto Rico, and more. We understand how they cook at home, which represents their culture, and we help scale that recipe and deliver their incredible cuisine to your doorstep. Khipi is a virtual restaurant of the world that enables you to travel to multiple countries through your plate.

Khipi is a word created by our son Kabir when he was a year old. He was trying to say “khidey paychey” which means “I’m hungry” in my native language, Bengali

Curation: We take food curation very seriously. We work with immigrants from each country to choose the most representative homey dish of that country. We test the recipes thoroughly and get the food checked and approved by immigrants from representative countries. We have perfected over 160 recipes from 80 + countries.


Preorder Link:

Preorder Information: How it works: Every week, we curate a menu that includes two traditional home-cooked meals from two countries.

The weekly menu is texted to Khipi’s customers every Thursday at noon.
Food orders can be placed between Thursday noon and Monday noon.